As a child, Christmas is a time of sheer delight, from the anticipation and arrival of Santa to the endless food and presents. However, as an adult, Christmas becomes more serious. The festive day doesn’t just happen; it requires meticulous planning to ensure your loved ones and family enjoy a memorable day. With so much to do, is it possible to fit in a little snooze here and there? Yes, it’s not only possible but also wise to help you maintain your sanity and dignity during the party season.
Find out how to fit in your strategic snoozes here:
The ‘I’ve just got to pop home and change my shoes’ snooze
Christmas parties are a great opportunity to let your hair down and enjoy food, drink, and dancing with friends and colleagues. However, if you’re not the office junior, the idea of heading out straight from work and staying out until taxis turn into pumpkins might not be appealing.
Heading home under various pretexts – such as forgetting your purse, needing to pick up the kids, or taking Lassie for a walk – offers a perfect opportunity to catch 20 winks before hitting the town. Amidst the hustle of free food and drink, your late arrival will likely go unnoticed.
The ‘I’ve got some last-minute wrapping to do’ snooze is a classic excuse for a quick nap. Gather your wrapping paper, tape, and scissors, and retreat to the bedroom for at least half an hour of undisturbed rest. People will assume you’re wrapping their gifts and won’t want to interrupt you for fear of spoiling the surprise. It’s a win-win situation!
On Christmas morning, the desire for just five more minutes in bed is almost universal. Knowing the busy day ahead, a snooze in the early hours of the 25th is highly sought after. If you have little ones eagerly awaiting Santa’s arrival, this snooze is easily achievable.
When the rascals run into your room at some ungodly hour with stockings in hand, wanting to share their joy with you, sit bolt upright, cup your ear and claim that you can still hear the reindeer on the roof. Suggest that if they go back to bed and are really quiet, they too might hear him or even, if they are really lucky, catch a glimpse out the window – but only if Santa doesn’t realize they are awake. Back to bed they go and you get at least 20 extra minutes to nap!
The “Post Lunch Nap” Snooze is a tradition after a sumptuous lunch, rich pudding, and consuming more chocolates and treats than the average person eats in a whole month. A nap or snooze in the afternoon, normally whilst relaxing in front of a Christmas film on TV, is a given.
But Grandma has had a little too much sherry and is snoring away, your partner is attacking the cheese plate while seeming to battle with an undiagnosed deep-sleep disorder, and your furry friend has definitely had a brussel sprout or two too many (really stinky!).
Trying to take a snooze in a chaotic environment is silly. So, instead of sharing your precious nap time with guests, sneak away to your bedroom for a quick 20 winks. Exit quietly and carefully, avoiding hazards like wrapping paper or Lego parts to avoid making noise.
The ‘Christmas Games’ snooze can be a great opportunity. Once the post-lunch food coma wears off and guests get a second wind, start with an active game like charades. When you see signs of tiredness, suggest hide and seek. You might not make it to your bed, but you can find a cozy corner for a quick snooze. To extend your nap potential, get the seeker to count to 100 instead of 20. Now you can strategically use these secret naps during the holiday season.Merry Christmas! Happy sleeping from your family at Hush Home! You need to try these naps with your hotel quality sheets!