How to choose wallpaper? Many people want to buy wallpaper to decorate their new homes, but they don’t know what kind of wallpaper to buy or what kind of wallpaper is good, which is quite annoying.
Today, wallpaper has become an indispensable material in home decoration. So, how do we choose wallpaper and judge the quality of wallpaper?

Let’s solve the first problem first. When choosing wallpaper, we can consider the following aspects.
Consider the wallpaper you choose based on the living room area. If the living room is not large and you want the environment to be more comfortable, it is best not to choose wallpaper with overly eye-catching patterns and textures. The size of the pattern should also be appropriate. If the pattern is too large, it will create a visual "advance" feeling.
2. Choose different wallpapers for different room orientations. In terms of color, cold colors such as blue and purple are not suitable for rooms facing north. Instead, warm colors such as brown, red or yellow should be used to prevent the colors from feeling cold in winter. For rooms facing the sun, you can choose cool gray tones for wallpaper. Colors such as sky blue and lake blue that are uncomfortable to look at in winter are not suitable.

3. Choose wallpaper according to the room. The living room should use fresh and elegant wallpaper; the dining room should use orange-yellow wallpaper; the bedroom can be used according to personal preferences. Generally, warm colors or wallpaper with small flowers or patterns should be selected to create a warm and comfortable feeling. . Red wallpaper can create an exciting atmosphere, while blue, green and other cold-toned wallpapers can help people relax. Yellow wallpaper is the best choice for creating a warm and romantic atmosphere. Children's rooms should usually choose brightly colored wallpapers, embellished with cartoon waistlines, or use wallpapers with cartoon patterns on the upper part and plain strips or plain colors on the lower part to create a happy and tidy effect. After solving the first problem, let's look at how to identify the quality of wallpaper.

We can identify the pros and cons of wallpaper from the following aspects. 1. Smell. Smell the sample to see if it has a strong chemical smell. If the smell is strong, it is likely that the content of volatile substances such as formaldehyde is relatively high. 2. Choose material. The basic materials of wallpaper on the market now mainly include paper surface, rubber surface, fiberglass, natural fiber, metal and fabric. In home decoration, try not to choose adhesive wallpaper. Its environmental protection and air permeability are relatively poor. It is easy to warp and turn yellow after being pasted on the wall, affecting the beauty of the room. 3. Feel the texture. Touch the wallpaper with your hands to feel the texture. The key is to touch the pattern part to see if the solidity of the pattern is uniform, and then compare the left and right thickness of the entire wallpaper to see if it is consistent.
4. Wipe the surface. When selecting wallpaper, you can use a slightly damp cloth to wipe the surface with a little force. If the wallpaper appears to be discolored or delaminated, it means that the quality of the wallpaper is not good.

5. Look at the effect. Good quality wallpaper looks natural, comfortable and has a strong three-dimensional effect. In addition, it is also necessary to check whether the pattern is exquisite and layered, whether the tonal transition is natural, whether the flower registration is accurate, whether there are color differences, bubbles and other problems.

If there are too many wallpaper colors, it will be dazzling, and it is easy for people to not know which one to choose. If you encounter this situation, there are two solutions: one is to buy according to the decoration style of your own home; the other is to tell the staff in the store about the feel of the wallpaper you need and let them help you choose.